Around The Course

The McLeod Country Golf Club is set around the winding Mount Ommaney Creek. The water course is home to many animals and bird life some of which are shown below.
The largest animals seen on the course are deer from a former deer farm where it is claimed a disgruntled wife opened the gate and let the animals loose!!  There is an occasional kangaroo but they tend to be visitors rather than permanent fixtures of the course.

The bird-life on course is prolific and we are home to a large flock of Little Corellas, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, Wood ducks, Ibis both local and New Zealand migrating, Masked lapwing (spur winged plovers or masked plovers), Crows, Willy Wagtails, Australian Magpie, Magpie Lark, Kookaburras, Little Black Cormorants, Rainbow Lorikeets, occasional Swans, Noisy Miner, Eurasian Coots, Gallahs, Australasian Darter, Pied Butcher bird, Purple Swamphens, Pheasant Coucal, Eastern Great Egrets, White Faced Herons, Crested Pigeons, Dusky Moorhens and we are the seasonal home to migrating Pelicans.  Have a chat with our Apostlebirds who will delight you with their antics as they come to visit you looking for a handout.  We also have a large dove population that use the silo as their home base next to the 2nd tee.

On the 15th hole we are a refuge for two species of flying fox, the black and grey fruit bat.  From time to time we are also the migratory home of thousands (hundreds of thousands) of Little Red Flying foxes who make the journey from far north Queensland.  The daily sunset departure is spectacular.

Within the waterways are an abundant variety of fish including some Japanese Carp courtesy of the last flood, and large eels and Tortoises . Platypus have also been seen on occasion. The ecosystem of the creeks would not be complete without the regular sightings of reptiles!  Water Lizards can be found particularly on the 6th tee and 7th tee around the Oasis. Snakes are found in the long grass of all waterways so beware when searching for a lost ball as they include the Eastern Brown, Red Belly Black and Tiapan varieties.  There are also a number of non venomous snakes such as green tree snakes and Keelback variety.

Try you luck at spotting our tree frogs near the 17th tee…